Friday, February 17, 2012

I'm not one of the Colin/Jared shippers

But this picture is so wonderfully confusing...

Yes, I'm on etsy

I am MsPunkinelf the only time "Punkinelf" was co-opted by an infidel.

I've listed 3 charm bracelets.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


I like this one, full of cowboy charms, some vintage. Been relisted once?

Two Mardi Gras Charm bracelets. I made 4, 2 sold. Other two relisted, cheaper. Hope they sell

fergot one

More Colin

Never having had a serious sexual crush on anyone, I have to wonder about a guy who has SO MANY photo ops! So this is why I have started to put them in my various blogs.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Bates Motel

I'm working on a Psycho charm bracelet and hadn't realized how many fake Bates Motel signs there are. Stupid.

It's not as if it's under debate. It was a frigging movie! I hope I remember to post a pic tomorrow. Listing that and a gorg DOTD bracelet, The Ladies of Day of the Dead. A lesser one sold for $23.50. Here's hoping!

Monday, October 10, 2011

In the thick of it

Listed the 3 Halloween/Day of the Dead Sterling silver bracelets yesterday. If anyone's out there, the eBay URL is


Or Punkinelf

November is National Novel Writing month. I'm re-starting Snaketown because of all of the revisions I've done. Totally confused myself.