Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy new year!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Post Before Take Off

I get a real kick out of this.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Current Fave

I'd do CumberBunny and Basil Rathbone.

But not at the same time.

I like to be the main event.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

I'm a snake


Snakes have always been the seducers of human beings. If you know the story of "The White Snake", you will understand what I mean. In reality, Snake people are born charming and popular. Snakes are spotlight magnets, and they will not be ignored. Peer group attention and public recognition are the least of what he expects. Yet Snakes are never noisy or deliberately outspoken, and they have have excellent manners.

Unlike the Snake who seduced Eve in to sin. the astrological Snake, is not a devil, not even a little demon. The Snake is a nice oversexed normal human being. Determined to follow through anything he undertakes to the bitter end, the Snake detests being left in the air. He makes his decisions quickly and firmly.

Most people are secretly or hopelessly in love with Snakes. Gather those frustrated folk you know and most likely, they are probably in love with a Snake. Irresistible as they seem, the Snake never wastes time in idle gossip. He thinks often and deeply. He is an intellectual, a philosophers, a cerebral person. Snake people rely heavily on first impressions, on their own feelings, on their sympathies, rather than on facts, on the advice and opinions on others. He seems to have a kind of sixth sense in this way.

Snakes are a bit tight when it comes to lending money, though his sympathy for others often leads him to offer help. The fatal flaw in his character is, in fact, a tendency to exaggerate - in helping friends as with everything else. If he does somebody a favor, he becomes possessive towards them in an odd way.

Another big flaw in a Snake's character is that, they are capable of biggie lies. White lies, true lies, whatever they call them, though they don't lie often, they do lie when they feel they can get away from it.

In money matters, the Snake has good luck: he doesn't have to worry - he'll always be able to lay his hand on money when he needs it. Generally, Snakes are careful but generous with friends and family. The Snake should stick to careers that won't involve him in any risk - even the risk of working too hard, for to tell the truth, the Snake is a bit lazy.

In love, the Snake male is romantic and charming. He has a sense of humor and the female is usually beautiful and successful. but if a Snake chooses a partner, he'll be jealous and possessive - even if he no longer loves her. Rejection is the worst blow his delicate ego can suffer. The Snake must be received, welcomed, accepted and approved by those with whom he comes in contact. They need a lot of security.

Personality-wise, Snakes are not people who can be easily ignored. They possess a strong, charismatic presence and a charm which has been described by some astrologers as "bewitching" or "beguiling." With a penetrating eye and attention to the desires of their conquests, they're known as experts in the art of seduction.

People born during the Year of the Snake are said to be endowed with wisdom and with deep philosophical understanding. They are born thinkers who excel in finding solutions to complex problems. In matters of business they can be shrewd, biding their time in making a deal only to strike like lightning and make a killing when they judge the moment is right. Thus in life, the majority of Snakes are financially successful and generally lucky with money; their fortunes very much depend on their careful and considered judgment in financial affairs and on their intuitive feelings in business negotiations. These are clever, intelligent people who take time to formulate their ideas and opinions. Even when they are at their laziest, their minds are working overtime, laying their schemes and hatching their plots for the future.

Snakes are wise, philosophical, calm, and understanding. They are receptive and physically alluring, often fickle. Success and fame come easily to Snakes. They can be treacherous creatures who delight in intrigue and who wouldn't think twice about double-crossing someone in order to save their own skins. Their calculating natures will never forgive or forget a slight. They can be lazy and self-indulgent. Their innate elegance can at times be ostentatious.

Subtle, secretive, elusive and enigmatic, there is an element of the mysterious that surrounds the Snake personality. Perhaps this is due to their intuitive faculties, or perhaps it is a consequence of their strong inner spirituality which can manifest itself in an interest in religion, mysticism or the occult.

A Snake can be counted on to carry a project through to the end. Their decisions are quick and firm, but they are formed by first impressions, on sympathies and feelings logically assembled in their minds -- rather than by simple facts alone. The Snake will fight and plod for anything they believe in and allow nothing to stand in his or her way. At ease in all circumstances and possessing uncommon self-discipline, the Snake achieves great heights and honors in his or her career, enjoying the well deserved respect of an admiring entourage.

Snakes are a bit tight when it comes to lending money, though their sympathy for others often leads them to offer help. The help will be in kind rather than in cash, however; the Snake is freer with himself than he is with his money! The fatal flaw in the Snake's character is, in fact, a tendency to exaggerate -- in helping friends as with everything else. If a Snake does somebody a favor, he becomes possessive toweard them in an odd way, so that finally he is more a hindrance than a help. The snake's serpentine nature leads him to coil and cling to the point where he can suffocate the object of his attention. Think twice then, before you accept an offer of help from a Snake; you could regret it!

In money matters, the Snake has good luck -- he simply doesn't have to worry about it. He will always be able to get money when he needs it, and he feels this so strongly that it has never bothered him at all. Once he has got it, though, he's a little stingy; that's why he never lends. In old age he can become quite miserly.

Snakes are notoriously good looking and like to project the best image of themselves that they can. Both men and women of the sign have elegant and stylish taste in clothes; the men are sexy and always have a bit of the dandy about them, and the ladies are seductive and rave over smart accessories. Whether in looks or in circumstances, Snakes simply have a magical knack of making the very best out of the most mediocre.

In Japan, those wishing to pay a woman a compliment and acknowledge her beauty are accustomed to say: "My dear, you are a real snake!" -- a pleasantry most likely to be misinterpreted in the West.

As with real snakes, which hibernate in the cold season and come out when it's warm, Snake people shine in the hot months. And the Snake born at midday in the heat of a tropical summer will be happier than one born in the middle of an icy night in winter. The destiny of those born under this sign is so sensitive to the inclemencies of climate that the almanac warns Snakes born on a stormy day that they will face danger throughout their lives.

The Sensual Snake

The Snake personality is described as careful, and when it comes to the choice of a partner these people are infinitely selective. For them, only the best will do. Elegance will be one of the first attractions, but so too is good breeding and delicate manners. When they find the partner of their dreams they will brook no opposition, allow nothing to stand in their way, until they win the heart of the object of their desire. Having won their prize, they then become possessive and jealous, fearful that it should slip out of their hands. Deeply passionate, these are demanding lovers, highly sensual creatures, sexy in the extreme. Lady Snakes are ultra-feminine -- sultry, exotic creatures, femmes fatales in every sense. Success and power will turn her on and she will probably make a beeline for the richest and most influential person she can find.

Those born under the sign of the Snake often tend to be afflicted with a wandering eye, especially the Snake males who delight in women. Unfortunately, both sexes tend to complicate their lives with extramarital affairs. If they can struggle against this trait and succeed in channelling their affections inwards towards their own families, they will gain enormous serenity and inner harmony in their lives. If the Snake settles down, he or she can become a marvelous parent, creating a calm and stable atmosphere for their offspring.

The Snake will often have a large family -- for him, it's just one more way of making sure that his wife has no time to play around like he does.

The Rabbit, Ram and Dog are on good terms with Snakes, but the Rat and the Rooster annoy them. A firm alliance can be achieved with the Horse. The Snake will be happy with the Ox, who is content to be overrun by this family on condition that the Ox is always accepted as boss -- a role that the Snake willingly concedes in the home. The Boar should beware of the Snake who will impose upon him, ensnare and immobilize him, while the Snake wallows in his own faults, knowing that he can get away with it.

June is the month of the Snake. The time of the Snake is from 9:00 a.m. to 10:59 a.m.; their direction of orientation is south-southeast. The Snake's color is red.

I'm taking 2 Charm Bracelets

with me to Paris. My humungous 50+ Paris charmer and this one:

Took a Loritab and feeling a little spacy (not Kevin).

The Chinese charm bracelet needs a snake charm, as that is my Chinese astrological sign. Very hard to find.

Going to Dentist on Wednesday. Hope I don't die.


This is the Day of the Dead Charm Bracelet, which has lived in thought for a long time. I bought all of those altered srt charms on eBay when I was in Vancouver. I am going to the dentist on Wednesday. If I survive, I want to have some things prepared for when I get back from Paris.

For some reason, thoughts of returning to Las Vegas have been wafting around my brain. Just panic I think. I am so anxious.

This is my new favorite:

This went from thought to reality quite quickly. One like it (I even made a checklist of the charms) sold recently for $300+ on eBay. When I get back from Paris, and get an apartment, I will go into selling again. I'm betting I'll need the money.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Western Movie Pewter Charm Bracelet

This may already be here in a previous state. It has moany more charms on it!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

French Charm Bracelet

THIS is my 50+ French Charm Bracelet! I know you can't make out all 50, but they're there. It weighs a ton. I love it! I can't wait to wear it to a Paris charm store. Or anywhere in Paris.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mania Part deux

YAY! Success! But my hot dog fell out of the bun.

Bidding on this

& this.

Watching Paranormal Activity, but may have to rewind to fave part: When it gets in bed with her.

Packing, throwing out, packing.

ETA: YAY! I won the hammer - to go with the axe and the severed limbs:

Hmmmm What have I been UP to?

Bought this

& this

Bidding on these

Won't let me add.

New post!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Larger Halloween Charm Bracelet

I added the two charms, an old fashioned movie camera and a fanciful skull, because I've yet to add them

My Own Charm Bracelet

Started by my mother, as these things usually are, with State of Oklahoma, Fridays child, First Communion and Confirmation. My brother sent me the Air Force charm when he was in the service.

These images are dinghy. Today is scan in CBs day, so when I come to the bracelet, I'll swap this one out.

Las Vegas Charm Bracelet

Cowboy Movie Pewter Charm Bracelet

Cowboy Movies Pewter Charm Bracelet

One of my Halloween Charm Bracelets

All charms are sterling silver

My Christmas Charm Bracelet

All charms are sterling silver

Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Paris Charm Bracelet

Every link has a charm. Some links have two. Love this!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Will someone please tell me

WHY I am building an Alaska charm bracelet? I understand WHY I have TWO Halloween bracelets (one each for small charms and large) and my Paris CB is going to break my wrist (the St Genevieve charm is proving to be elusive).

I couldn't resist this:

This *shrug* just because:

& too good to pass up:

As if Paris isn't costing me enough

Sunday, September 19, 2010

National Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Aye, me lady. I hear tell of a rocky land, of coast rockier still. Huge tall
mountains ye cannot see behind 'em. Only if ye be flyin'! Aye, but beyond the
rocks, gold. Gold I'm sayin'! All fer the takin'. Who's wit' me?

2. Avast me hearties! This be the tale tol' to me.

Twenty then some sea dogs, jack tar to a man, set sail, meaning to find a way aroun' another. The true way be blocked, don't ya know.

Belay that talk! I'll not be telling you why

Two days asea, the lookout called, "Ship ho!" The chase made full sail, yet ne'er closed. Twas always aft to them. They rubbed deadlights raw. Yet there it was. It could not be unseen.
Begad! What of it? Who be the cursed among them? What sea devil set it in sight but ne'er in reach!
... Arrrrrrrrrrr What sea devil indeed! *reaches for rum* --Cap'n Julie

Arrr! Ill winds and foul befell them. Many a dog fed the fish wit' his ownself.

Not a jolly boat, wit' them cursed n' knowin' it. Eyeing each other, quick to blame.

The lot of 'em addled by shanty and grog, full of bilge and bile. All be lost. 'Tis far better run through by blade then at the whim of wretched seas. N' wretches ye be!

Avast ye lily-livered dogs! Be ye cowardly swabs or sea going mates? Answer true or feel my blade!

Yer Cap'n Julie give you an order! Arrr... Smartly there, lass and laddie! Come aboard!

Aye Cap'n Julie!
From the poop came a cry "Land ho!" Rocks rose afar, in one piece rose above a slip of sand. High to the sky they were! Clear across the horizon.
Was't help r hell? to a man they cried. Just as a reef tickled the bottom of the boat.

The weak keelhauled to the locker, naught but sea elves make the shore. The will t'live tis hard to shake.

Wit' their backs to the rocks, the sea at their feet, the sea elves could but
wonder what be next? Will waves grow hands to drag them to the deep? What of an elf on the bottom be? Ne'er was told this tale.

Blimey! A scurry of tiny feet had elves dance wit' rats unseen. Small voices
like no bird or siren brought hands to ears so as not sung to their deaths.

Briny deep beckoned. No rest 'cept resting wit' the sea. Elves look up.
Would they a hithlain rope n' bid it know the top of the rocks?

No sea elf a landlubber be!

Tide quickly moved from shore, but the rocks nar did shrink. They twirl like tops on land, 'tween water and rock. One too far to swim, t'other to high to climb.

They chose weapons: whips of kelp, clubs of deadwood with large head, or with shards of broken shells to draw blood. Pockets full of pointed rocks. Arrr... beyond these rocks, blaggards be!

"It moved, Begad!" one yelled. "On my oath, it moved."

Quiet called, eyes keen. Arrrr... it moved. A crack, widened as the sound deepened.

"No quarter!" was the cry, arms raised, braced to battle giant or troll, befitting a boulder of its size.

They tensed, staring equal to its height, then lower, lower still.

A peep.

Aye, ye scabrous dogs! A peep.

'Tis hard to silence an elf. Harder still to belay his arm, halt his step.

The wee folk did this. A hobbit? Nay, smaller still. Not misshap'd as a dwarf and shorn of unruly matted hair and beard. No wings like Fae folk.

To the knee they came. And chatter! Birds in the trees rivaled them not.

The elves looked each to each as smiling folk waved them inside. One look behind saw the sea, once distant, rushed toward them. 'Twas all the elves could do to make the opening!

Nicely put, their friendliness was their greatest feature. Truth tol', 'twas hard to tell a he from a she. Well kept were they all. Nary a proud beauty yet no foul beast either. Small n' fleet, eyes quick, though looking like to like. They ev'n dressed the same.

"Mind ye manners, me buckos," the chief bosun cautioned. Hald'ir his name, fight his fame. As kindness followed kindness, he was loathe to think ill of the folk. Wizened by years, he held his own counsel.

Fore in his mind was troubling thought. On stealth. he found the entry boulder and pushed, shoulder, flank and hands wit' all strength to bear, but did not move it. He vowed return with his brother R, and his other brother R.

Who moved the stone?

What did they have in mind for the sea elves?

On return, full resolve, he found all hands covered with wee hands. Each elf
had four nay! seven wee ones on arms, legs, tummies, shoulders n' all points

Odd positions exposed under clothes, but Hald'ir still could not a gender see.
Aye, but hear he could. Moans of pleasure, a shanty, a sea song of sea elves
returned to port.

Ears they fingered, the pleasure they gave unexpressed as no words were common
'tween them. Sparkling combs soothed scalps and eased knots.

Shiver me timbers! He gazed down at the little ones, at hand perfumed oils,
silken cloth, golden combs. Small hands eased his body to soft earth.

Prick'd in the butt, Hald'ir woke n' remov'd prongs from his left cheek. His butt mangl'd the comb, but the memory of pleasure to his hair, n' buttocks, returned.

"Cab," the bosun called the weeny who came up to him. He'd named him during the night, if he be he.

Cab reshap'd the comb, pulling it through his hands to its combness. So malleable, Hald'ir thought. How it caught ole Sol rising, how the light play'd the trees.

Hald'ir examin'd it. The comb be gold.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

PunkinelfCharms has closed


1. Going to Paris
2. Dumping most loose charms on eBay
3. Loss of drive to sell (we all could have predicted this)
4. This:

Not really. It's because of Paris. I WILL BE A POET IN PARIS!!! So much riding on this (as usual) but it's Paris!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Going to Paris for 3 months!!!

Punkinelf Charms (the web site) is closing. Charm bracelets will be auctioned off on eBay.

I will visit here occasionally.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Long time no write, eh?

1. I'm going to Paris in December.

2. I will either finish all charm bracelets, or apportion all charms to a bracelet, for construction later.

3. EBay all else. No point in keeping things I DON'T USE! Oy!

4. I'm staying for 90 days in Paris. Hope I like it!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Remember what I said about Spooky Hollow...

On my other blog. Well, went there, bought this:

I had eBay bucks to spend after all...

Visit Spooky Hollow Folk Art and be mesmerized!

I will probably be adding things. This may be a keeper!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Former Punkin' Logo

I've asked an online artist to come up with the perfect Punkin' logo!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The spending continues

As does the eating. Today I've bought red dragons from Peru and a Quija board Charm bracelet, which I intend to take apart. Fantasy Creations make lovely polymer charms, but use base metal findings:

Of course if they used sterling, or even pewter findings, it wouldn't be worth it to buy it, dismantle it and put more valuable findings. I think even copper would be wonderful on the Ouija board remake. Actually copper would wonderfully compliment the Quija boards on the remade bracelet. All the silvertone must go. The polymer charms deserve much better.

I have bid on a tarot bracelet and a sugar skulls one. Sugar skulls will be pewter. I have a number Day of the Dead pewter charms, some in sterling. And of course link bracelets in copper, pewter and sterling.

About the over eating: I had hoped to lose some of my tonnage, but my nerves seem to be on self destruct. & I am the one destructed.

Friday, July 2, 2010

I seriously love these ladies!

These are by an Australian artist I bought on ebay. This is their store "Hexagonal Mandala" represents a husband & wife, fine-artists living on the east coast of Australia.

Coupled with the ten Tibetan women in my last post, this bracelet should rock!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ok, it's still pinkish

Saw some great backgrounds, but of course don't remember where. Next time! Can't wait to use her:

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm a stalker

Returning to Tucson, aka My Beloved. I knew someone there and I have been trying to find her. She was on facebook, so I tried to friend her, but she left facebook. She was on twitter... I left twitter. Annoying thing.

So does that make me a stalker? I'm asking the great void. Like they'd know.

I fured out how to get rid of the ugly pink. Maybe

ETA Wrong Blog. My bad

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Things will really move

once I get out of Vancouver, not so much because I loathe it. Everything's packed!

I can't wait to incorporate these in a bracelet:

Too gorg!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

No more subterfuge

Yea, 25 of these.

Couldn't tell you, but I guess there's a Frida charm bracelet in the distant future. Maybe I can do charms of Frida paintings.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

One toe on slippery slope

Bought 6 blank thingees for Altered Art charms. Surely more will follow.

All right, maybe up to my instep. Thank heavens I'm moving!

It will give me time to think of what my first charms will be! BWAHAHAHAHAHA

Also, have to RESIST buying! Basta! The SS charm box is heavy enough already!

Disappointed with the SS Tarot charms I got from an Internet seller's store off eBay. Live and Learn. Another disappointment: the Gemini SS charm from a great charm seller.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Happy Birth Day!

Frosty & I welcome you!

This will be the blog arm of PunkinElf Charms. The blog will inform my LEGION of followers of new listings of charm bracelets I have made.
See: Charms in Progress
I am seriously buying up altered art charms for bracelets. I want to debut BIG in October, with Dead of the Dead and Halloween bracelets.
An ethical question: I intend to alter the altered art charms to fit my theme bracelets. Can I pass these off as my own? Don't know why not, since altered means pieces appropriated and used in these charms.
Food for thought.
Bought these: